January 15, 2015     cib    


There are enough reasons to think of why monitoring and evaluation of local government capacity building programmes is important, maybe in the first place for learning, deepening understanding and improving our programmes. That is why we would like to come together as a peer group of local government associations implementing similar programmes to exchange our experiences and practices with monitoring and evaluation methods.For sure we have all been exploring or experimenting with methodologies that suit capacity development programmes, such as the Logical Framework, Theory of Change, 5 Core capabilities of Capacity, Outcome Mapping, Most Significant Change, Result Based Management...

But what fits our local governments reality best? Are you curious about the ideas and practices of others or do you have a practices to bring in? Are you responsible for M&E? Please express your interest in a meeting and we will organize it somewhere in February, either Face to Face or virtual. You are most invited, please let us know! Bert Jansen (VVSG) Bert.janssens@vvsg.be & Irene Oostveen (VNG International) Irene.oostveen@vng.nl or join the discussion in on our LinkedIn group page