The European Commission has just published its communication proposing a shared position of the EU in view of the 4th forum on aid effectiveness to take place in Busan (Korea) from 29th November to 1st December 2011. The communication calls for the expansion of the principles of aid effectiveness to other actors, in particular to local authorities.
According to the proposal for the EU Common Position for the EU Common Position for the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Busan:
- “the Busan outcome should recognise the role of local authorities when they have autonomy and the right to initiate specific interventions supportive of local development needs.”
- “In Busan, civil society organisations and local authorities from donor and partner countries should be called on to continue their ongoing efforts to enhance accountability, transparency and integrity in their operations based on self-regulatory mechanisms such as the Istanbul CSO development effectiveness principles”
We would like to urge to seek contact with your national delegations to inform them about the importance of decentralized cooperation and try to get a representative of your local government association to join your national delegation to Busan. For more information see UCLG Circular 15: Aid Effectiveness Agenda: Draft Outcome Document for Busan.