January 15, 2021     cib    

What should our municipal movement focus on in the years to come? How do we move forward and build a Pact for the Future, together with other stakeholders? UCLG defines its strategic priorities for six-year-periods and revises them at every UCLG world congress, which takes place every three years. The last set of strategic priorities was agreed upon at the UCLG World Congress in Bogotá in 2015. Therefore, it is time to start working on the next six-year-period.

An interactive process
The development of the strategic priorities is an interactive exercise among all parts of the network. They consider the new international environment and policies, build on the UCLG research and UCLG’s strategic partnership with the European Union and other key partners - including SIDA, as well as the commitment of the network towards the facilitation of the Global Taskforce of Local Regional Governments. They are further inspired by the Presidents Manifesto.

In the case of the Renewed Strategy to be adopted in 2022, it will build heavily on the rich policy processes developed at the Durban World Congress and will certainly be marked by the lessons learnt and transformational aspirations triggered by the global pandemic which are underpinned by the UCLG Decalogue.

CIB is ready to contribute
CIB is lined up to contribute to the formulation of new strategic priorities, on behalf of the local government development cooperation. The Cities are Listening event on the 8th of December on COVID-19 and development cooperation already provided useful input - a next step is the elaboration of a revised policy paper on Development Cooperation & Local Governments, which should be ready in Fall. Stay tuned for more information on this process and get in touch if you want to know more already!