March 11, 2021     cib    

The long-term cooperation and joint initiatives between ADB and DeLoG are based on the shared interest in strengthening institutional capacity for localising the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development. The Letter of Intent (LoI) signed by ADB and DeLoG formalises this shared interest into a broad framework for the joint workplan that will guide future activities.

ADB and the DeLoG Secreteriat have a long history of cooperation and exchange under the framework of Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development. Since ADB’s joining to the DeLoG Network in 2015, the partnership conducted several events for development partner (DP) representatives and Government officials from DMCs such as workshops and learning events. ADB also took active part in DeLoG’s annual meetings and collaborated with the Network in a number of webinars on current developments in the field of decentralisation and local governance. This amount of on-going collaboration and exchange shows the mutual understanding between ADB and DeLoG and explains the shared interest in a broader and deepened cooperation.

The signing of the joint Letter of Intent (LoI) with ADB took place during a ceremony on 19th February 2021. As representatives of both institutions Dr. Armin Nolting, Head of Advisor Project Governance, GIZ GmbH and Bruno Carrasco, Chief of Governance Thematic Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB, signed the Letter of Intent (LoI) and both expressed their commitment and the importance of this model of formalised partnership. As representatives of the Strategic Support Group of DeLoG, Ursula Keller Alazzawi Senior Policy Advisor at Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) as well as Achim Johannsen Senior Policy Advisor at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) underlined the importance of this LoI to facilitate knowledge exchange around decentralisation and local governance between ADB and the DeLoG Network and its Members and Partners. 

The workplan developed by the partnership under the framework of this LoI will stimulate more and better joint initiatives like exchanges, workshops and meetings, learning and capacity building events as well as joint analytical research work and the co-creation of knowledge products.

Source: DeLoG