October 14, 2013     cib    

At the UCLG World Summit, which took place from 1-4 October in Rabat, the Development Cooperation and City Diplomacy (DCCD) Committee discussed the following items:

UCLG Champions
The proposal for UCLG Champions on Development Cooperation was approved (see link).

Peace Prize
The Committee discussed the further development of the Peace Prize. This award for the local government with the most innovative approach towards peace building will be awarded for the first time on 21 September 2014 in Istanbul.

The criteria for the Prize were approved by the Committee, and later by the Executive Bureau. In the coming months, the Jury and Evaluation Committee will be established, as well as a website to launch the call for nominations.

Disaster Response and Preparedness Facility
The Disaster Response and Preparedness Facility aims to enable exchange of information and to ensure a coordinated response in times of natural or manmade disasters to support local government. Currently, financing possibilities are being looked at in consultation with international organizations.

The Committee and Executive Bureau of UCLG agreed to further examine the issue and to establish a resource group, in which the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Cités Unies France, the Association of Dutch Municipalities and the UCLG Middle East and West Asia section would participate, to further outline the roadmap towards the implementation of such Facility.