February 10, 2022     cib    

Since 2020, the pandemic have had major health consequences. It also weakened numerous countries’ socioeconomic system, especially jeopardizing the most vulnerable ones. This is what urged Cités Unies France to set a solidarity fund going for Africa's regional governments. The essential support of UCLG and 18 French local authorities enabled the funding of African local governments, helping them to face the pandemic and its multiple challenges in Mali and Ghana. In implementation in Ghana, Cités Unies France worked together with VNG International, which implemented the support project there.

Today, the solidarity fund has came to an end. The Cités Unies France team created a video summarizing the various issues of the program. Watch it to understand the solidarity fund program’s goals and stakes, along with its fulfillments : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eDP3y2Wg9U&t=123s