On 11 November a CIB Working Group meeting took place in Guangzhou (China), on the occasion of the UCLG World Council meetings.
Please use the links below to access the report of the meeting:
Main conclusions of the meeting:
1) Information Sharing and Tool Exchange:
CIB members inform the Secretariat about new programmes, policy documents and publications
2) Programme Coordination
A report of the advances in programme coordination was presented by the Secretariat of the CIB Working Group (see the documentation of the meeting and power point 1). In all regions, coordination efforts are being made and real progress in coordination and alignment can be observed.
3) Policy/Advocacy
Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness and Local Government (power point 2)
Upon adoption of the World Council on 13 November, the position paper on Aid Effectiveness needs to be disseminated and used by CIB members, as well as the debate on aid effectiveness needs to be implemented in the various regions of the world:
Inform UCLG members and support their efforts to advocate on this theme with their national governments and aid agencies
Advocacy at the multilateral level and in multi stakeholder forums should take place
Monitor progress and impact, with the aim of presenting the outcomes in the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Seoul (2011).
Local Government and the Economic Crisis
LGs are seriously affected by the crisis. At the World Council meetings the UCLG publication The Impact of the Global Crisis on Local Governments was presented, being a result of the responses of UCLG members to the survey launched by UCLG and supported by the Committee on Local Finances and FCM. The Committee on Local Finances will collect and share innovative practices (e.g. counter cyclical policies) and prepare recommendations.
CIB members are requested to submit case studies on how the crisis affects funds available for MIC and ACB.
Position Paper on Decentralised Cooperation
The position paper will be elaborated by the Decentralized Cooperation Committee meeting. A first draft of the position paper was presented: click here to access. A small task force of CIB members will be able to assist the Decentralized Cooperation Committee in working towards the next draft version.
Consultation rounds will take place in March/April 2010, after which the next draft version will be presented at the Executive Bureau in 2010.
The CIB Working Group Secretariat will draft a chapter on the role of LGAs in development cooperation to be included in the Position Paper on Decentralized Cooperation;
CIB members are invited to submit text boxes to be included in the document.
4) CIB Work Plan 2010
The work plan for 2010 builds on the one carried out in 2009. CIB members are invited to send their suggestions regarding the work plan to the CIB Secretariat (r.steenbergen@cities-localgovernments.org).
The annual CIB meeting will be hosted by the City of Barcelona with support of the Province of Barcelona.
For 2010, the Secretariat will be financially supported by FCM, VNG International, the City of Barcelona and the associations of Belgium (VVSG, UVCW and AVCB).