On June 25 and 26 the annual CIB Working Group meeting took place in London at the invitation of the Local Government Association (LGA). On the Friday afternoon, the LGA organized a special session on the UK Development Policy and Local-Central cooperation.
Please use the links below to access the documents:
Main conclusions of the meeting:
Information Sharing and Tool Exchange:
CIB members inform the Secretariat about new programmes, policy documents and publications.
Need for investing in coordination in the pilot countries; leading LGAs should actively try to get information and should consult the other active CIB members; CIB members should inform the CIB Secretariat about progress of coordination in the pilot countries;
Leading LGAs should report to the Secretariat about the coordination efforts to be able to disseminate the information amongst other CIB members;
The LGA will take up a coordinating role in Zimbabwe.
Policy and Advocacy:
Position Paper on Decentralized Cooperation:
Relevant documents for the Position Paper will be shared with ECDPM;
CIB members will be to the first draft of the Position Paper at the beginning of September;
A political advocacy strategy will be added to be adopted together with the position paper.
Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness:
The final version of the Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness will be presented for approval in the UCLG World Council (11-14 November 2009, Guangzhou);
Position Paper on ACB:
Mr. Peter Knip and the CIB Secretariat will work on a Position Paper on the role of LGAs in development cooperation.
LG and Economic Stimulus;
Jointly with the UCLG Committee on Local Finances, FCM, LGA and SALGA will work on a document on LG and Economic Stimulus (draft by the end of September, beginning of October). CIB members will be asked to send in case studies.
The Secretariat will collect different instruments and indicators to make an analysis and overview, to be discussed at a workshop within the CIB annual meeting.
CIB Meetings:
FCM will fund two Southern representatives (from UCLG regional sections) to participate in meetings;
The next CIB meeting will be held in Guangzhou on the occasion of the World Council Meetings (11-14 November);
The City Council and the Province of Barcelona will host the annual CIB meeting in June 2010.