December 14, 2014     cib    

UCLG CIB Working Group members may have noticed that there is a new LinkedIn Group for the members. The goal of this LinkedIn group is to encourage exchange and discussion on topics of interest to the membership. Based on input from the last CIB Annual meeting in September 2014 in Cologne, Germany, the following focal points of discussion have been identified:


- Developments with donors / the Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Monitoring and Evaluation

- Using international examples domestically

- Joint action in fragile states

- Trade and investment


The CIB Secretariat would like to invite all CIB members to add to the discussing by placing their comments in the relevant discussion heading. Please be sure to write all comments in English, so that a maximum number of colleagues can participate, and please do not hesitate to contact the CIB Working Group Secretariat with any questions or comments about the group; any feedback is more than welcome.


In order to sign up, please visit the LinkedIn Group page and click the button "Join". A LinkedIn profile is a requirement for access to the Group.