December 06, 2012     cib    

Hereby the CIB Working Group launches the new website! To ease the use of the website, the lay-out of the new website was designed to be well-ordered and clear . Besides the changes in the design, the new website also aims to serve its visitors better content wise. We have improved several of its functions, such as the compendium and the members area, and have rearranged the menu to increase the accessibility of the information.

The objective of the new website is to also increase the sharing of information. More information about the work of our members will be available and in the case study section you will find examples of successful projects and of, more specifically, coordination projects. Furthermore, the forum has been updated so it becomes easier to share your thoughts and ideas with other CIB Working Group members.

We hope to welcome you all at the new CIB Working Group Website.


CIB Working Group Secretariat