December 11, 2012     cib    

From 4 to 8 December the triennial Africities conference took place in Dakar. The UCLG statutory meetings were organised in the framework of this conference.Several issues can be reported back on the achievements in these meetings


The UCLG Policy Paper on Local Government and Development Cooperation has been adopted during the World Council. It was agreed that the CIB Working Group develops an action plan for the implementation and dissemination of the Paper to ensure a sound lobby strategy, which can lead to investments of donors in strengthening the capacity of local governments and decentralization.

Please find below the links to the policy statement, the executive summary and the full policy paper:

üThe UCLG policy statement on Local Government and Development Cooperation

üThe executive summary of the Policy Paper on Local Government and Development Cooperation

üUCLG Policy Paper on Local Government and Development Cooperation, submitted to the World Council (December 6)

  • The UCLG committee meeting on development cooperation and city diplomacy presented the idea of establishing a UCLG Peace Prize, to be awarded to local governments that implement innovatie and successful strategies for peace-building and dialogue. It celebrates the work done in this field and contributes to a global statement and local peace building agenda. The Prize will be further developed by MasterPeace and VNG International. The criteria are still to be defined and established, in close consultation with the members of the Committee. The first edition would be launched in the framework of the MasterPeace event in 2014 in Cairo.

Please find below the link to the proposal for the establishment of a UCLG Peace Prize:

üUCLG Peace Prize: Creating peace from the local level

  • The Working Group on the Middle East, coordinated by Cités Unies France (CUF), has discussed the situation in Syria and the need to support municipalities in bordering countries (Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan) who are currently receiving many refugees. CUF, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and VNG International are exploring possibilities of jointly carry out a feasibility study for developing a programme in support of these municipalities.
  • The CIB Working Group organized a special session in the framework of Africities, with excellent contributions from the mayor of Porto Novo (Benin), the mayor of Emalahleni (South Africa), the executive director of the association of local authorities of Tanzania (ALAT), the president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the vice-president of Grand Lyon. The session focused on the role of decentralized cooperation in local economic development. A report of the session will be available shortly.
  • The CIB Working Group meeting also discussed the work plan of 2013; members are invited to contribute to the agenda for next year and to identify opportunities for joint initiatives.

The UCLG committee meeting on development cooperation and city diplomacy presented the idea of establishing a UCLG Peace Prize, to be awarded to local governments that implement innovatie and successful strategies for peace-building and dialogue. It celebrates the work done in this field and contributes to a global statement and local peace building agenda. The Prize will be further developed by MasterPeace and VNG International. The criteria are still to be defined and established, in close consultation with the members of the Committee. The first edition would be launched in the framework of the MasterPeace event in 2014 in Cairo.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ