January 30, 2018     cib    

The CIB Working Group is happy to present to you its final work plan for 2018 (please find it here). Based on many consultations with the members, including the CIB strategic review session at the CIB annual meeting of 2017 and the CIB session at the UCLG retreat of last week, the work plan can now really be considered a joint action plan.





Highlights from the work plan include:

  • The CIB annual meeting in Stockholm, on 19-20 September, hosted by SKL and ICLD.

  • Organization of regular webinars on a variety of topics related to programming methodologies and thematic content (incl. a first webinar on gender, co-organized by FCM and the region of Catalonia)

  • Regular exchange within a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning taskforce

  • Support UCLG in the process to assist other Local Government Associations in the SDG implementation, monitoring and reporting

  • Support UCLG in the creation of a task force for indicators and data collection on the SDGs

Many members have already indicated their interest to contribute to or participate in one or more activities from the work plan. If you have not had the chance to have a look at it in detail and want to discuss opportunities for collaboration with other CIB members or the secretariat, please reach out to us by sending an email to uclg.cib@vng.nl.

The secretariat will of course also continue with the different forms of information sharing, including the CIB newsletter, the Compendium, the online community and the website. Thank you for sharing any contributions to these media throughout the next year.