July 25, 2012     cib    

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), the Netherlands Association of Municipalities (VNG) and Cités Unies France (CUF) are exploring possibilities to jointly embark on a support programme for the reconstruction (and capacity building) of local governments in Haiti. The partners will identify and formulate the reconstruction programme together.

The partners:

  • FCM

FCM is mobilizing a broad-based national municipal reconstruction response for Haiti, in close collaboration with the city of Montreal and the Union des municipalités du Québec, and in coordination with the Association francophone des municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick, the Fédération québécoise des municipalités, and other Canadian big cities, communities, and provincial and territorial associations.

FCM’s Big City Mayors Caucus passed a resolution in which they committed to contributing technical resources from Canada’s 22 largest cities to a bank of experts to be managed by FCM for reconstruction purposes, as well as donating financial resources to a voluntary FCM-managed fund. FCM is in discussions with the Government of Canada regarding federal support for a coordinated municipal effort, similar to the CIDA-funded programming managed by FCM in response to the 2004 Asian tsunami.

  • VNG International

VNG International has been invited by the Dutch Disaster Relief Organizations to identify and implement a local government reconstruction programme. The national fundraising event in the Netherlands for Haiti, which also included local governments contribution, resulted in an amount of 83 million Euro. VNG expects this amount to grow in the coming weeks. For a Local government reconstruction programme an amount of 3 to 4 million Euro will be earmarked. The efforts to develop this programme in close cooperation with FCM and CUF are very much appreciated.

  • Cités Unies France

CUF is collecting donations from its members for the reconstruction of Haiti. To date around 30 local and regional governments have responded. CUF has an active Haiti Country group, chaired by the mayor of Suresnes. Among its members are Strasbourg, Ile de France Region, Savoie departmental council and La Rochelle.

Next steps:

Currently, the partners are exploring ways to design the programme in a coordinated manner. In addition they will inform international donors about this initiative showing how the local government sector can contribute to the reconstruction of Haiti.

Other associations that would like to contribute in terms of funding and expertise are invited to inform FCM about concrete possibilities and actions. UCLG will also start collecting information about reconstruction initiatives from members.