VNG International develops benchmarks to improve performance of local government. In the benchmarks of VNG International achievements of municipalities and other organisations are compared to identify the practices of the ones that perform best. By implementing the practices of the best performers, organisations can improve their own performance.
Hein Quist, project manager benchmarking at VNG International: “In our benchmarks we use the VNG International benchmarking model. This is a benchmarking model that focuses on learning. The model is based on benchmarks used in the public sector in developed countries. We adjusted it in a way that it also can be used in developing countries and countries in transition.”
“What is interesting is that it is a cost effective tool as it is based on peer learning and seeks for simple solutions. Especially now budgets are reduced due to the global financial crisis, this makes the tool attractive for municipalities and donor organisations” Hein says. “We found for example in a benchmark on local economic development that it was a challenge for municipalities to make tenants pay rent for their stall on the market. In some municipalities only 60% paid their rent so they missed quite a lot of income. We saw that 1 municipality received over 90% of the rent. It appeared that they gave tenants the opportunity to pay on a daily basis, whilst other municipalities only offered monthly payments”.
VNG International executes benchmarks in a number of countries including South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania, Benin, Kosovo and Ethiopia. Currently the development of benchmarks in a number of new regions is investigated, under which several European regions.
The topics of the benchmarks vary. “The topics depend on the specific needs within a country. Examples of topics we currently benchmark on are housing, local economic development, accountability, HIV and AIDS and public participation” Hein says, “As benchmarking can be used for many topics, we expect to further expand the range of topics in the coming years.”
VNG International will develop a number of new benchmarks in 2012. To read more about the VNG International benchmarking model, see the brochure ‘VNG International benchmarking’.
For more information on benchmarking please contact Hein Quist (hein.quist(at), +27 73 0254274 or Arne Musch (arne.musch(at), +31 70 373 8401