May 12, 2017     cib    

An upcoming, noteworthy event is the Fifth Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, to be held in Cancún (Mexico) from 22-26 May 2017. UCLG will participate actively and, together with ICLEI, UNISDR and UN-Habitat, is organizing a full-day session on the commitment of local authorities to contributing to the achievement of the2020 Sendai Framework.

UCLG finds active participation in this event important since growing urbanization and major transformations are placing increasing pressure on local governments to implement local strategies which incorporate resilience and disaster risk reduction. The targets set by the Sendai Framework - the leading international framework in the field of Disaster Risk reduction, adopted in 2015 - include one which involves substantially increasing the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020. With a view to achieving this target, and particularly the implementation of the Sendai Framework at local level, UCLG’s regional sections (Africa, Latin America and Asia-Pacific) will form partnerships with UNISDR soon, with the assistance of the World Secretariat.

For more information about the event, please visit: