From 24 to 26 February FCM and VNG International, in partnership with UCLG ASPAC and under the auspices of the Association of Cities of Vietnam (AVCN) organized the 3rd Asia Pacific Local Government Association Partners Workshop in Hanoi.
14 Local Government Associations from the Asia Pacific region participated in the event, including all partner LGAs that currently benefit from the ACB programmes of FCM and VNG International in the region.
The workshop focused on the themes of Advocacy and Financial Sustainability of LGAs, with the intention of providing opportunities for LGAs to share knowledge and experience in both areas.
In the Advocacy session, Councillor Berry Vbranovich, FCM 3rd Vice President, shared one of FCMs current advocacy campaigns in a role play with Mr. Gabriel Miller, FCM Director for Advocacy, in order to guide the participants in discussing and designing their own action plan for some identified advocacy themes.
A session on Financial Sustainaibility was presented by VNG International expert Mr. Alfonso Garcia, to guide the associations in undertaking a self-assessment of their financial situation as well as to elaborate a work plan for improving the current situation.
This third regional capacity building workshop is part of a continuous learning process and as such, follow up will be ensured on the detailed work plans developed during the workshop in both capacity building themes.