February 17, 2021     cib    


Universal Design is about creating good, inclusive communities where everyone can participate. By learning from each other we can get better and go further in creating good inclusive communities for all.

Working for age-friendly local communities is a priority area for the Norwegian Local Government Association (KS). KS has developed networks in both the area of age-friendly local communities and Universal Design over the last years. Through this work, they have gained considerable insights, good examples and good experiences on these topics. All these materials have been included in a number of publications and videos.

KS’ newest handbook on age-friendly communities is now available in English. Several other booklets with examples of Universal Design and age-friendly society from Norwegian municipalities and counties are already available in English.

Interested in reading these publications?
You can find the latest publication here.

UNDP has also shared some of the previous publications on Universal Design by KS:

 It is also possible to order the booklets for free by sending an email.