Geo for Cities: Towards Green and Just Cities
UCLG Smart Cities Study 2021 - International study on the impact of COVID-19 on cities’ smart resilience
Service delivery and local governance in a crisis situation - An adapted approach of VNG International in Myanmar
Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2021
Local and Regional Governments' Access to EU Innovative Development Financing: Mechanisms and Opportunities
UCLG-CIB: Capacity Building for Gender Equality at the local level
Localising the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe: Perspectives for the North
Immler & Sakkers (2021): The UN-Sustainable Development Goals going local - learning from localising human rights
Surveillance, évaluation et apprentissage durant la COVID-19: Un examen des pratiques et lignes directrices pour les membres du CIB
Monitoreo, Evaluación y Aprendizaje en tiempos de COVID-19: Examen de prácticas y pautas para miembros de CIB.
CIB's Guidance Note on M&E in times of COVID-19
UNHABITAT's Cities and Pandemics: Towards a more just, green and healthy future
