7th report of Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments Towards the Localization of the SDGs
Study on capitalisation of European decentralised cooperation experiences
Decentralised Development Cooperation – European Perspectives
Development effectiveness at the local and regional level - Fostering synergies between local and regional governments and the EU in the post-Busan era
CIB information flyer (December 2015)
FCM Green Municipal Fund - devising and implementing an effective brownfield strategy
Local Governments: Legitimate actors for development -results achieved by the UCLG champions
A Post-2015 Monitoring and Accountability Framework
Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
Development Co-operation Report 2015 - making partnerships effective coalitions for actions
IDB Sector Framework Document on Subnational Governments and Decentralization
Local Governance Institutions Comparative Assessment (LoGICA) framework (background document)
