Prior to the UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau (ExBu) meeting on November 28th 2013 in Colombo, an International Workshop on “Empowering Local Partnership for Better Sanitation and Water Services” will be held on November 27th 2013.
Dr. Vasantha Siriwardhena (Team Leader of Greater Colombo Water and Sanitation Project) is scheduled to present his work on “Opportunities and challenges of local government in the management of water and sanitation.” Discussions on “Innovative Financing Approaches for Better Service Delivery on Sanitation, Waste and Water Management” and “Policies and Procedures of private involvement in sanitation and water” then follows Dr.Siriwardhena's presentation.
Our President, Dr. Jatin Modi, and New Secretary General, Dr.Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi are also scheduled to give their remarks.
Both the ExBu meeting and the workshop are organised by UCLG ASPAC, Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities and Colombo City. All members of UCLG ASPAC are invited to attend the above meetings and the Workshop. Should any member likes to share their city or local government’s experiences in the field of sanitation and water, and/or any issues planned to be raised at the Executive Bureau and/or Council meeting, please do communicate with us. For inquiries, please contact Desra at &